HTML5 Dev Gal

Messing with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

My Two New jQuery Plugins and One New Node Module

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On my quest to plugify and properly modulerize my code I created two new jQuery plugins and one new node nodule.

jQuery Plugins

jQuery Simple Center Plugin


The a jQuery UI function position() centers fine so don’t even bother with this plugin. Also check out this post on responsive centering by extending bootsrap for an easy CSS solution.

jQuery Simple Center Plugin Simple jQuery plugin to vertically and horizontally center an element within another element.

jQuery Prettify Plugin

jQuery Prettify jQuery plugin to print an associative array / object in the browser with option for highlighting.

Node Module


titlecaps Node.js Module Node module to capitalize first letter in each word

Please bear in mind that they have not been node unit or qunit tested yet, just jhinted as I’m on a tight schedule at work.   I’ll make it happen very soon!

Response From A Senior Dev

I was ‘schooled’ by the more experienced dev Nelson Kenneth Correia who mentioned these plugins / mod were overkill. I thought it prudent to mention his response:

@Juila, just had a look at your SimpleCenter Plugin.

Firstly I want to applaud your effort to create a JQuery plugin,
and then advise everyone *new* to javascript to *not* do this!
Positioning elements on the page/canvas is done with CSS.

Here is your JS fiddle without *any* JavaScript:

Centering an element in a div is *easy* in CSS and should be done in a stylesheet unless there’s a very good reason to do it *dynamically* in JS.

Secondly I don’t see how your Prettify is better than the original:

And finally Capitalizing the first letter of each word in a string has been done many times and does not require an entire Node Module…

It can be done with a *single* line of JavaScript:

Once again, I congratulate your efforts!
Especially the fact that you’ve written tests and used to confirm the build status of your module! :-)

But please pick which Modules and Plugins you share here more carefully.
As developers we need to set a good example to others.
Writing an entire *module* just to capitalize first letters in a string is like using a bomb to build a sand castle! … #overkill!

And building JQuery plugins when simple CSS will achieve your goal is a good *thought* exercise, but should *never* be used in the real world because its a code maintenance nightmare!

The last thing I want is my junior developers copy-pasting this kind of code!

I look forward to reading your *next* efforts. :-)

Nelson Kenneth Correia

My Response To His Response

His caps code worked perfectly but his CSS code has to be changed depending on the sizes of the elements which is not exactly what I wanted to do. The Prettify code he references doesn’t really do what I want either.

I made the plugin because I wanted a way to spit out all of the necessary code dynamically without including it in the html file. Basically ,just create a div, give the function and object and viola. From what I can tell of the plugin he refers to just formats text in a pre tag. You still have to attach the text to the pre tag or generate the pre tag.
